Ethics Discussion 3 and Beyond
Round 0
Read Of oaths and checklists by Patil, Mason, and Loukides.
Rounds 1,2 and 3
There will be 3 days where you will be asked to read an article. You are only reading 1 article per assignment. Use the table below to know what articles to read and use their links by clicking the article title. Your group number is based on the class group you are in at the time of the assignment. See our groups table in Moodle.
In Class Discussion Questions
Remember to follow the suggestions for healthy discourse in your groups on your group contract. If you have lost that document, see a blank copy with the discourse suggestions.
You will discuss your shared read article in class with your group. Choose at least one recorder to take notes during discussion and one speaker for the group during the full class discussion.
1) Discuss which CARVE principals are relevant and way.
1) Suggest and briefly discuss one or two check-list items that might have helped prevent the ethical problem described or that relate to the issues discussed in the article.